I never want to be 18 again

I'm writing my column this week in response to the replies I received by e-mail about my previous column "I want to be 18 again". Thanks very much to those people who e-mailed me, it's heartening to know that my words are read and enjoyed! Your messages reminded me that being 18 wasn't all that brilliant, really, and they pointed out that being in your 30's does have its good points. Indeed.

I do like being 31. In fact, if the world stopped turning right now, right here, I'd be quite pleased if my life could stay like this for ever and I never got any older than this. I feel wise but not world weary, I know enough to get by but I'm still open to advice and wisdom from those who know more than I do. I feel grown up but not old. I'm healthy, happy and thankful to whatever it is that's made me this way. I see the future ahead of me as mysterious and exciting, and have no doubts about the past behind me. I feel energised and charged and ready to move on, taking whatever comes my way with maturity and humour.

I no longer run to the bathroom mirror first thing on a morning to examine my face to see how many zits had landed on me overnight and I no longer feel the need to diet relentlessly. My work provides me with a steady income (although if anyone reading this would like to supplement this with offers of writing work, I'd be even happier!). No more overdrafts and frowning letters from the bank or hand outs from dad. My car takes me places the bus could only dream out. I have freedom in every way.

My parents have changed too! Boy, at one time, everything I did would annoy them so much! Now they're much more laid back and even approve of things I do, for goodness sake. Who'd have thought that eh? My brothers and I no longer fight with words and bits of lego, they no longer tease me with words thrown at random to friends I'd bring home, embarrassing me, killing me inside.

As life throws itself at you in chunks, sometimes it hurts, sometimes it's shocking. I just learn to take it all in now; people die, friends move on, people move around, nothing stays the same. But if I could just stop things here, right now, I would. Life has never been so good, and that's one thing I never want to change.

Glenda Young is also the writer of the weekly Coronation Street Update on the net, and can be contacted at:


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